Hill Station Near Bangalore | one day trip from bangalore

Hill Station Near Bangalore

Hill Station Near Bangalore  -Nandi Hills 

one day trip from bangalore is a blog where you can see hill station places. The other name of nandi hills is Nandidurg. The main attraction point inthis place is watching sunrise in the early morning. The first ever SAARC summit hosted by India was held at Nandi hills in 1986.

One day trip near Bangalore
Nandi Hills

This hill station is very near to bangalore along this place we can visit many places i.e Bogi nandi temple, the great scientist Sri M Vishweshwarai Native place. In Nandi hills famous spot are Morning Sunrise, Winter fog, Tippu Drop, Tippu Summer Palace.


one day trip near bangalore

Nandi hills is a destination for the beginners who are interested in hiking and trekkings. The hill is famous for bird photography, birdwatchers.This place is also called as large scale exotic botanical garden.

More Information:

Distance- 60 Kms from Bangalore
Best time - November to March
Travel Mode- Bus, Train, Bike Riding 

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