Tourist Places In Bangalore | one day trip from bangalore

Tourist Places In Bangalore

Tourist Places In Bangalore- LalBagh

One day trip from bangalore is a blog where you can see the places in bangalore city. Lalbagh is the most visited place in the bangalore city. Once you entered the entrance the tall tress will welcomes you. The other name for this place is Old botanical garden. This garden first planned by the Hyder Ali and later completed by Tippu Sultan.


One day trip in bangalore

Lalbagh is totally 45 acres plat and you can see here all types of trees not only India other countries plants and trees and not only flower plants or tress we can see some species plants of India and other countries such as Persia, Afghanistan and France. This garden includes four gates.

One day trip in bangalore

The main attraction in this garden was "Glass House" along with this we can see the Rose garden, Lotus garden, Topiary garden. We can also see the lalbagh lake we can see the varieties of birds both in the lake and on the ground. The governament of Karnataka hosts 2 flowers shows one is in Republic day(Jan 26th)  and Independence day(Aug 15th)


One day trip in bangalore

More Information:

Timings- Every Day 8am to 6pm

Lacation- Mavalli Bangalore Karnataka